now for a trip down memory lane - my memories, that is, not yours.
Scab and the Boogers,
recurring throughout these pages, was inspired by
a real group, Dog Breath, that I played in during my junior year of
school (1972 -73). Of course we never went on tour or made a record; I
think we mostly played on the annual school talent show and one dance.
But I think the chances are good that we can lay claim to having been
the first Zappa cover band.
The pieces in our repertoire
Call Any
Aunt Jemima
King Kong
House I Used To Live In
En Regalia
the Pimp
It Can't
Happen Here
I can't vouch for the integrity of
any of our charts, because we had to
lift everything off the records. I also can't say how well we played
them, since there are no recordings. But play them we did. And think
about when that was. Bands played their own material and/or covers by
various artists of similar style. There was no such thing then, as far
as I recall, as a band covering one artist's work, what today we would
call a tribute band. [Interestingly, I went on to work for Zappa after
grad school, but I don't think I ever told him about Dog Breath. Too
bad. That would have been a fun conversation.]
I remember performing at one of our
school dances, where we did not go
over well at all. We were out of reach up on the mezzanine overlooking
the gym, which was probably strategically a good idea. All the jocks
wanted something along the lines of I
Wanna Make It With You, so
they could at least get out there for
one slow
dance, and the girls wanted ANYTHING danceable even if they only got to
dance with each other. But all we played was Zappa, plus Roland Kirk's Serenade To A Cuckoo (my big flute solo vehicle), and The Blimp,
from Trout
Mask Replica by
Beefheart and the Magic Band. The kids down there all looked rather
dour and somewhat confused.
I had the idea to go downtown and
find a wino, bring him to the show
and pay him 5 bucks to improvise poetry over The Blimp. Such a thing wouldn't be
particulrly P.C. by today's standards, but in Warren, Ohio in 1973 it
would have been pretty easy to manage, and I still consider it an idea
of some merit.
band was at least as much
a social survival group as a musical
endeavor, and the personell changed some over time. But
the core band as I remember it, and that performed under the name Dog
Breath, consisted of:
Truly - flute, xylophone,
piano, vocals, and very crass oboe
Broberg - lead guitar
Raines - rhythm guitar and
Stavana - alto sax
White - bass
Hughes - drums
At the
dance gig I think we added
Mark Mikulan on
trumpet and combo organ, and Jack Gates on electric violin. Jack was
sort of a mentor to me, being several years older and musically much
more accomplished. John
Henry Gates went on to
work in
Nashville, then down to Florida,
and is still out there fiddling. Most of the other guys got jobs and
stayed in Warren, although Pete has played in a lot of bar bands and
casual situations, logging way more stage time than I ever did as a
concert artist.




Ed and Bob
Raleigh and Brian
back to Hodad Strut