a real soundtrack for an imaginary spy film


Copyright © 2002 - 2005  Arthur Jarvinen

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That's right kids, the game is over. Four years in the making, a year uploading, and The Invisible Guy is outta here.

So now what? Well, the entire thing is staying online. You can come back any time to revisit your favorite episodes or get caught up.

The music is going to be released on CD in a three volume set:

     Volume 1 – the surf instrumentals
     Volume 2 – the other instrumentals
     Volume 3 – the songs

There will also be "merch", specifically logo mugs and downloadable ring tones. I kid you not. Gotta have merch.

There will also be a dance contest, in which you will be able to send in videos of your versions of the Disco Surfers Bumpus Rumpus and the Hodad Strut.

In the meantime, just for old times' sake, why don't we take a look back and see just what happened over the past year. Exactly, what were the big adventures of The Invisible Guy?

     He got a secret message from a really disgusting cigar.

     He dumped his girlfriend.

     He got hit by a paint ball and stole someone's clothes.

     He was shipwrecked and discovered Korean food.

     He got drunk in Bulgaria.

     He assisted an ersatz cleric into the after-life.

     He saw an apparition of Brian Wilson.

     He survived disco.

     He got a secret message from a Hindu go-go dancer.

     He met a mysterious person in a parking garage.

     He got a new suit.

     He puked on an airplane.

     He attended a bullfight and got a secret message from a transexual dwarf.

     He survived country line dancing.

     He survived skiing in Aspen.

     He went to a theme park and saw a secret message in the sky.

     He survived blind faith in Michigan.

     He almost got a tongue bath from a Hebrew mystic.

     He danced alone.

     He rode the streets of San Francisco on a skate board.

     He went to a coffe house and heard a secret message in a beatnik bongo solo.

     He went scuba diving and saw jellyfish.

     He fell in love on the beach.

     He embarrassed his foe.

     He survived an explosion and surfed on a crappy guitar.

     He  partied on the beach.

     He learnd about model railroading (HO scale).

     He learned a bit about Civil War naval history.

     He learned a new dance.

So, all-in-all a  pretty exciting year for "the world's most secret spy".

Thanks for visiting the site and reading and listening. I hope you have enjoyed the ride and that The Invisible Guy has enriched your life and enhanced your mood, and will continue to.

Arthur Jarvinen
May 12, 2006

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